Scrapie Tag Information

Example plastic tag

Example metal tags
Below is information provided by the Kentucky Veterinary Office:
Scrapie Tag Update
May 4, 2022
Wanted to catch everyone up on the information just received from USDA regarding scrapie tags and applicators.
Plastic Shearwell scrapie tags: New producers that have never been assigned a flock ID can apply for Scrapie tags through USDA using this form.
The new flock/herd owner will receive 100 free Shearwell tags. This order may take 3-6 weeks to be delivered. After they have used these tags they will have to order them from the companies listed below. Please refer to the information below for ordering information for producers who wish to continue using the plastic scrapie tag with their flock/herd. I would recommend Shearwell, Allflex or Premier 1 for the plastic scrapie tags and plastic scrapie tag applicators and National Band & Tag company for the metal applicator.
Applicators: USDA is no longer supplying the plastic or metal applicators. The plastic Shearwell tag applicators can be purchased from Shearwell
The metal tag applicator should be purchased through National Band & Tag company. Once again, refer to information below to purchase the applicators.
Metal scrapie flock tags: These tags are still available through National Band & Tag Company.
Regardless of which route the producer choses to tag their animals, they should still fill out the Scrapie Tag order form and must have a flock ID number before ordering their tags. If they are purchasing plastic scrapie tags from a supplier then they should call USDA (502-848-2054) to obtain their Premises/Flock ID number prior to ordering if they do not know what their flock ID number is.
The hyperlink for the information below is:
To request these official sheep and goat tags, a flock/ premises ID or both, call 1-866-USDA-Tag (866-873-2824).
Producers and others who handle sheep or goats in commerce who need additional tags or want a different type or color of tag may purchase official plastic, metal or radio-frequency identification (RFID) tags directly from approved tag manufactures. A flock ID is required to order tags from these sources. A National Premises ID is also required to purchase official 840 RFID tags or implantable devices.
For those that use the APHIS-provided tags, please note that you will need to purchase a compatible applicator. The 505S applicator for the official metal tags is available for purchase from the National Band and Tag Company at (859) 261-2035. The “Allflex Universal Tagger” for application of the plastic tags through Premier 1 or Allflex. And shearwell applicator for shearwell tags at
The companies listed below are approved. These ear tags and devices are approved for the official identification of sheep and goats in interstate commerce. There are restrictions on the use of implantable devices.
Note: SFCP tags may only be purchased by owners of flocks participating in the Scrapie Free Flock Certification Program. Regular program tags may be purchased by any producer who has a flock/premises ID.
Allflex USA, Inc.
PO Box 612266
2805 East 14th Street
Dallas Ft. Worth Airport, TX 75261-2266
Ph: (833) SCRAPIE [833-727-2743]
Fax: (972) 338-3445
(RFID and Plastic eartags in several colors- regular and SFCP)
Alliance ID, USA
2199 Manton Drive
Covington, Louisiana 70433
Contact: John Wade, DVM
(RFID 840 microchip transponders in syringes. Universal scanners)
4412 W 4th Street Road
Greeley, CO 80634
Contact: Elsie McCoy
(RFID - Avid Microchip transponder implants and scanners)
National Band & Tag Company
721 York St., P.O. Box 72430
Newport, KY 41072-0430, USA
Phone: (859) 261-2035
Fax: (859) 261-8247
Contacts: Kevin Haas, Sarah Fields
(RFID tags and metal tags in white, green, orange, mauve and bright metal)
Premier 1 Supplies LLC
2031 300th St
Washington, IA 52353
Phone: (800) 282-6631
Fax: (800) 346-7992
Web page:
Contact: Customer Service
(Plastic eartags in several colors- regular and SFCP)
Shearwell Data USA
Phone: 1-800-778-6014
Website: www.
Contact: Shearwell North America, Inc.
4400 Blalock, Suite 200
Houston, TX 77041