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The KY SRQA Program (Small Ruminant Quality Assurance)  is a 1.5 hour certification program that helps producers understand:

The goals of Quality Assurance

  • Proper equipment needed
  • How to read a medicine label
  • How to read medicated feed tags
  • Veterinary Feed Directives
  • Prescription use of injectable, oral and water soluble antibiotics
  • Antibiotic stewardship
  • Record keeping
  • Biosecurity issues
  • Scrapie tag information
  • Animal welfare issues


To receive your SRQA certificate, just complete these 4 steps:

1) Register for the course (you have 30 days to access the material); $5/person

2) Take the Pre-test

3) Watch the videos

4) Take the Post-test

Participants must receive an 80% or higher on the post-test to receive credit for the course. Once you have graduated, you will receive your certificate, which is good for five years. 

Here is what graduates will receive:

1)Certification Number to use on CAIP applications.

2) Certificate of Completion to show at your Farmers' Market booth, livestock shows, or in your barn.

3) "I am Quality Assured" sticker template so you can visibly show your commitment on your products.

4) Instructions on how to purchase and create the "I am Quality Assured" stickers. 

5) "I am Quality Assured" graphic to use on social media, websites, and emails. 


Learn more at

Kentucky SRQA Program

  • There are no refunds for the purchase of electronic products.

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