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You can now be a member of both the KGPA and KSWPA for a reduced price- $50. The dual membership provides all the same benefits of the individual, but saves you money. 


Benefits of Membership are:

  • Becoming part of a unified voice for all goat ans sheep producers

  • Network with producers to receive access to information, breeding stock, etc.

  • In-the-know for changes in the industry

  • Be represented in the Kentucky Farm Bureau Small Ruminant Commodity Group, Livestock Coalition, and much more.

  • Membership to ASI and the ASI Newsletter (American Sheep Industry)


​You can choose two membership options:

  • One time purchase which gives you a membership from January-December
  • Dual Membership which is auto-renewal each year until you cancel your subscription

Dual KGPA & KSWPA Membership

Price Options
One-time purchase
Dual Auto Renew
$50.00every year until canceled
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