KY Master Small Ruminant Classes > KY Small Ruminant Grazing School

KY Master Small Ruminant Grazing School

KSWPA/KGPA Member Registration- $75
Master Small Ruminant Class Combo- $250 for Members
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KY Small Ruminant Master Grazing School is a self-paced, online course designed to help you identify quality forages for your pastures, tell you how to plant them, how to manage them, and how to feed them to your animals. This course is chocked full of information created by the University of Kentucky Plant & Soil Science Department.
You get lifetime access when you register, as long as you are a current KGPA/KSWPA member.
You can also test to get a Certificate of Completion. A score of 80% or higher is required to receive certification.
This course is best for producers who:
have been in the business for more than 5 years
who are interested in enhancing the forage base of their pastures
who are interested in rejuvenating pastures for improved grazing
who want to improve their rotational grazing system
who want to improve the quality of their hay
who want to improve methods of harvesting hay
who want to improve soil fertility of their pastures
who are interested in stockpiling forages
who are interested in determining the efficiency of their forages
What do participants have to say about this class?
100% feel more confident about forage management
100% feel more confident in choosing and establishing forages in their operations
100% plan to make changes to enhance their rotational grazing systems

Dr. Jimmy Henning
Extension Professor
University of Kentucky
Plant and Soil Sciences Department
Ph.D., Agronomy/Ruminant Nutrition, University of Kentucky, 1986
M.S., Agronomy, University of Georgia, 1983
B.S., Agronomy, University of Georgia, 1979

Dr. Ray Smith
Extension Professor
University of Kentucky
Department of Plant and Soil Sciences
PhD - 1991. University of Georgia, Agronomy
MS - 1987. University of Georgia, Agronomy
BS - 1983. Asbury College, Wilmore, KY, Biology

Dr. Chris Teutsch
Extension Associate Professor
Forage Specialist
University of Kentucky Research and Education Center, Princeton, KY
BS, The Ohio State University
MS, The Ohio State University - 1996
PhD, University of Kentucky- 2000
Sample Video
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This course includes:
Benefits of Rotational Grazing- Dr. Ray Smith explains the benefits of using rotational grazing in small ruminant operations.
Considerations for Laying out a Grazing System- Dr. Jeffrey Lemkuhler, University of Kentucky, provides the do's and don'ts when laying out a grazing system.
Watering Systems Parts 1-3- In this three part series, Dr. Chris Teutsch discusses watering systems for small ruminants. In the first part, he explains water requirements and layout considerations. In the second part, he explores water sources, and in the third part, he explains piping size, waterer options, and additional considerations.
Fence Types and Costs- Dr. Morgan Hayes, University of Kentucky, discusses fencing options and the cost analysis for small ruminants.
Forage Identification of Legumes and Grasses- Dr. Jimmy Henning provides resources and tools to use when identifying forage. This three part series begins with explaining the key parts of plants to use when identifying unknown grasses and legumes. In the second and third parts, he identifies several common grasses and legumes in Kentucky.
Forage Species for a Comprehensive Grazing System- Dr. Chris Teutsch provides information on a variety of warm and cool season grasses and explains how to incorporate them into a comprehensive grazing system.
Understanding Endophyte Tall Fescue- Dr. Jimmy Henning explains how the endophyte in tall fescue can impact small ruminants and how we can manage fescue to reduce toxicity symptoms.
Soil Sampling- Dr. Jimmy Henning and Dr. Chris Teutsch explain how to properly soil sample your forage ground.
How to Choose the Best Forage- Dr. Ray Smith explains how to use variety field test analysis to choose a forage variety for your operation.
Forage Crop Establishment Parts 1 and 2- In this two part series, Dr. Jimmy Henning gives details on how to establish a forage crop by addressing germination, emergence, and establishment of small seedlings, details on how to establish a forage crop, and addresses seeding date and rate, competition control, seedbeds, and new stand management.
Rejuvenating Rundown Pastures- Dr. Chris Teutsch explains how to rejuvenate rundown pastures.
Best Management Practices for Making Dry Hay Parts 1 to 3- In this three part series, Dr. Jimmy Henning defines the best management practices for making dry hay. In part one, he explains growing the hay crop and harvesting. In part two, he addresses the curing and baling of hay, and in part three, he covers hay storage and feeding.
Hay vs Baleage for Small Ruminants- Dr. Jimmy Henning explains the difference between hay and baleage, as well as the pros and cons of each.
Hay Storage- Dr. Jimmy Henning explains how to manage weather damage to hay between baling and feeding.
How to Take a Hay Sample- This video shows how to properly sample hay and then follows the sample through the lab ending with how to use the results to determine if additional supplemental feed will be needed.
Interpreting Forage Quality Tests- Dr. Jimmy Henning explains why you should have forage quality reports and how to interpret the results.
Developing a Relationship with Your Hay Provider- Dr. Morgan Hayes, University of Kentucky, explains how small ruminant producers can develop better relationships with hay suppliers.
Meeting Nutritional Needs on Pasture- Dr. Katherine VanValin, University of Kentucky, explains how nutrient requirements differ between production stages and how dry hay will not meet the nutritional needs in all stages.
Estimating Days on Pasture- Dr. Ray Smith explains how to estimate pasture forage mass and how to convert that estimation into grazing days on pasture for small ruminants.
Stockpiling Tall Fescue- Dr. Ray Smith explains the benefits and steps of stockpiling tall fescue for small ruminants.
NRCS Graze Model- Dr. Jimmy Henning explains how to use the NRCS Graze Model. The purpose of the graze model is to help producers compare present forage balance with their current forage mix and grazing practices to improve forages, management and grazing efficiency.
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