HoofPrint Magazine is chocked full of production information covering many aspects of the sheep and goat industries. To help you access that information more easily, we have broken down the full issues into independent articles and provided them in the menu below. Think of it like HoofPrint Factsheets! And don't worry, the full magazines are still available for download below.
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Facilities and Fencing
Kidding and Lambing
Savanna Goats in the United States.........................Pedigree International
Kentucky AgVets Intern Host Responsibilities
Kentucky Natural Fiber Center Opens at Mustard Seed Hill in Millersburg.......................Sarabeth Parido
Bluetongue...................Iowa State University
Abortions in Sheep and Goats: What to Do and How to Protect Yourself..........................................Jessy Shanks
Production Basics for Direct Marketing Goats..........................................Kelley Yates
News to Ewes: Production Basics for Direct Marketing Lambs.......................Dr. Don Ely
Fleece is a Year Long Process.................................Sarabeth Parido
WAIKATO Milking Systems- Options for Those Moving Into Dairy Sheep Industry
Kentucky Organizations Receive Grant to Support Veterans Transitioning into Agriculture Careers
Keeping an Eye on Your Postpartum Females....................................... Jessy Shanks
What is Small Ruminant Quality Assurance and How Does it Affect My Operation?...............Dr. Beth Johnson, DVM
Flushing: Yes or No?.........Susan Schoenian
The Economics of Goat Farming in a Changing Kentucky Landscape....................Dr. Marcus Bernard and Dr, Kenneth Andries
Talking Points- Covid-19's effects on the meat supply...Dr. Gregg Rentfrow, Dr. Jonathan Campbell, and Dr. Lyda Garcia
Coronavirus Food Assistance Program
News to Ewes: What Do Ewes Need to Be Ready?............................Dr. Donald G. Ely
Should I Be Concerned About Contagious Abscesses in My Small Ruminant Herd?............................Dr. Beth Johnson
Not all Methods of Castration by Ligation are Equal...........................Rachel Dodd
How to Identify and Monitor Internal Parasites in your Small Ruminant Herd......................Dr. Jerusha (Jessie) Lay
ASI Completes Secure Sheep & Wool Supply Plan........................Kyle Partain
Coccidiosis in Sheep and Goats......................................Dr. Jerusha Lay
Urinary Calculi in Small Ruminants.............................Dr. Beth Johnson
Listeriosis in Sheep and Goats.....................................Dr. Jerusha Lay
Weaving Art with Agriculture Across Kentucky.................................Sarabeth Parido
Spread the Word: Wool is Wonderful..........Dr. Julie Stepanek Shiflett
Factors Effecting Milk Production in Lactating Ewes.................. Dr. Debra Aaron
An Example Budget Estimate for 1 100 Ewe Flock..............................................Dr. Don Ely
Basics to the Perimeter.........Buddy Rowlett
Ask the Expert:Temporary Fencing........Gregg Brann, Jim Mansfield, Jeremy McGill
The Woolery Wows............Sarabeth Parido
2019 Wool Season Rolls Out............................................Dr. Julie Shiflett
Understanding Livestock Guardian Dogs.....................................Emily Clement
Listerosis in Sheep and Goats....................................Dr. Jerusha Lay
Diarrhea in Adult Does? It could be Yersinia enterocolitis.............Dr. Michelle Arnold
Comparing the Efficacy of Copper Oxide
Wire Particles and Copper Sulfate
on Haemonchus contortus in Goats…………...……………….James Mackey
Feeding the Lactating Doe…Dr. Steve Hart
Distinguishing Your Product……….…...................Francis and David Martin
A Visit with Kentucky Meadows Farm……………………….Sarabeth Parido
The 2018 Wool Season Begins…… Dr. Julie Stepanek Shiflett
News to Ewes: An Annual Management
Strategy for April Lambing..…Dr. Don Ely
Genetically Speaking:
What about Wool?............Dr. Debra Aaron
Health & Management: How do I
keep my aimals safe from contracting
disease on the farm and at exhibitions?
It’s called Bio-security! …....................………………….……Dr. Beth Johnson
What is Good Hay?......................Dr. Gary Bates & Dr. Debbie Joines
Dairy Goat Nutrition:
Feeding for Two Part 2 ......................................Dr. Robert Van Saun
Navigating to a Balanced Ration-
Part 2: Balancing for Protein.......................................Dr. John Johns
The Livestock Guardian Dog......................................Dr. An Pieschel
News to Ewes: A Hay for Every Season ..........................Dr. Don Ely
Health & Management- Polioencephalommalacia ...Dr. Beth Johnson
Marketing Versus Selling.....................Amy Tavalin, Dr Tim Huber, .Madeline Norman, Kelley Yates
The Roots of Pooling....................................Warren Gill, Mark Powell
Health Management-
The Basics of Disbudding Kids ................................Dr.Beth Johnson
Genetically Speaking:
The Sheep’s Role in History Part 2 ...........................Dr. Debra Aaron
News to Ewes: What is This Stuff
We Call Energy? .............Dr. Don Ely
Results from the 2015 Maryland
Buck Test ........................ Staff Writer
Kentucky- Tennessee Well
Represented in Maryland Buck Test .................................Staff Writer
Entropian in Goat Kids.................................................. Beth Johnson
Inverted Eyelids in Sheep................ Dr. G.F. Kennedy
KY Lamb Jam Cook-Off............... Kelley Yates
Managing Multispecies Grazing........................................Greg Brann
Spotlight: A Farm Dog.......... Denice Rackley
Health & Management: When Should
I Breed My Doelings?.............Dr. Beth Johnson
Genetically Speaking: Should She
Stay or Should She Go?................... Dr. Debra Aaron
News to Ewes: Managing the Seasonal
Effects on Ewe Reproduction.............Dr. Don Ely
KY Lamb Jam Cook-Off...................................................Kelley Yates
Herd Health On-Farm Audit Program to
Start in Kentucky ................Dr. Kenneth Andries
Wool Pool....................................Kim Caulfield
FSA Disaster Assistance Programs ..........................Winnie Breeding
5th Annual KY Sheep and Fiber Festival......................................... Kelley Yates
Identifying Genetically Superior Bucks....................................Susan Schoenian
Bluegrass Invitational Premier
Buck & Doe Sale..........................................Jarred Dennison
Utilizing Teaser Bucks...................................Dr. Beth Johnson
Bellwether .............................. Philippe Roca
Direct Marketing: How to Market the
Meat From Your Livestock ..........................Dr. Gregg Rentfrow
Genetically Speaking: Are Hair
Sheep Meat Sheep? .....................................Dr. Debra Aaron
News to Ewes: Ewes’ Vacation
Time Ends: Meet the Rams ........................................... Dr. Don Ely
Meat Me at the Table..... KY Livestock Coalition
Ohio Sheep Day
Selling Your Fiber to Niche Markets..................................Sarabeth Parido
Farm Hacks........................Christina Morris
Kikos, the less you coddle the better they are!..........................................Vickie Watson
Opportunity for Dairy Sheep......Waikato
Economics & Policy Update: Carbon Credits 101......Will Snell & Nicole Atherton
Heat of the Breeding Season.....................................Dr. Jerusha Lay
Why, oh why, must you do that?.......................................Emily Clement
WAIKATO Milking Systems...............................Lawrence Gullery
Clover Makes Fescue Better For Goats..............................Michael Flythe
Is it Ketosis or Milk Fever?.....Dr. Don Ely
One Hoof & A Nose..............Jessy Shanks
Partnering for Shear
Perfection......................Madeline Rosenberg
KY Sheep Check-Off Aids Shearer Shortage......................................Kathy Meyer
What's Next for Food Animal Antibiotics?..................Dr. Michelle Arnold
Vaccinations: Preventing the Preventable Diseases!..............................Dr. Beth Johnson
Mastitis in Small
Ruminants.......................... Dr. Jerusha Lay
Let's Talk Tail Docking.......Paighton Lewis
Sell 'em Light?
Sell 'em Heavy?......................Dr. Debra Aaron
2019 Annual Producer Conference
Livestock Guardian Health.....Emily Clement
UK Grazing Conference
Celebrating 10 Years of Fun at the KY Sheep and Fiber Festival....Sarabeth Parido
Record High Australian Crossbred Wool Good News for U.S. Season.......Dr. Julie Stepanek Shiflett
Baa, Baa, Black Sheep or How Inheritance Works...............................Dr. Debra Aaron
Managing Internal Parasites in the Woe of Summertime............Dr. Beth Johnson, DVM
Lyme Disease in Livestock Guardian Dogs.........Dr. Jessie Lay, DVM
Artificial Insemination in Sheep and Goats………………….Dr. Jerusha Lay
Artificial Insemination in Goats..........……Dr. Terry Gipson and Dr. Lionel Dawson
Tales from The Kentucky Fiber Trail………………….Sarabeth Parido
U.S. Wool Prices Hit Record High…..............… Dr. Julie Stepanek Shiflett
News to Ewes: An Annual Management
Management of Ewe Lambs Born in April to Lamb First at Twelve Months of Age...............................Dr. Don Ely
Genetically Speaking:
Selection of Ewe Lamb Replacements for Commercial Sheep Enterprises.....................Dr. Debra Aaron
Health & Management: Ovine Progressive Penumonia (OPP)…………………….……..................................Dr. Michelle Arnold
Buck Collection..........Dr. Terry Gipson
High Tech Sheep and Goat Breeding........................................Reid Redden
Tennessee Agricultural Enhancement Program Information
Alpaca Awesomeness at River Hill Ranch.............................Sarabeth Parido
Weaving Art with Agriculture Along the Kentucky Fiber Trail
Australian Wool Prices Hit Record High.................Dr. Julie Stepanek Shiflett
Breeding Soundness Exams..............................Dr. Brett Kroeze
Breeding Soundness Exams on Bucks................................Dr. Beth Johnson
Why Use a Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory....................Dr. Michelle Arnold
Watch Out for Those Pretty Plants & Noxious Weeds........ Dr. Beth Johnson
Electrolytes and Breeding......................Justin Hull
Lamb Cost of Production Baseline
Model- Kentucky and U.S. Comparison..... Dr.Lee Meyer, Dr. Kenneth Andries, James Robb
Getting Started Collecting and Using
Data in Meat Goats and Sheep ..........................Dr. Kenneth Andries
Kentucky Sheep and Fiber Festival Highlights
Genetically Speaking: Why Using
NSIP is an Essential Tool for
Bettering Your Flock................Shaylyn Burton & Dr. Debra K. Aaron
News to Ewes: Stockpiling
Forages for Fall and Winter ..............................................Dr. Don Ely
Health & Management: Should I be
Concerned about Soremouth..........................Dr. Beth Johnson
Buyer’s Guide to Selecting Replacement Females... Ricky Skillington
Spotlight: From Rock Bottom........... Shon Wylie
Health & Management:
The Veterinary Feed Directive:
What Does It Mean to Small Ruminant
Producers?..............................Dr. Beth Johnson
News to Ewes: Stomach Worm x
Breed x Management Interactions...........Dr. Don Ely
Bridging the Gap between Sheep and
Shawl Marketing Wool to the Hand Spinner...............Hannah Nilsson
Spotlight: Hiking With Your Goat ........................................Polly Lush
Guardian Animals ............... Shawn Harper
Spotlight: Tanning Goat Hides .................................................Dr. Roger Merkel
Composting- carcass or manure ...........................Dr. Steve Higgins
SRPS Highlights ....................... Kelley Yates
Genetically Speaking: Have I Got a
Sheep Breed for You? Sheep Types
and Breeds For Commercial Production .................................................. Dr. Debra Aaron
News to Ewes: Nutrition
Requirements for Sheep .........Dr. Don Ely
Health & Management: How to
Dry Off Does & Ewes ..............................................Dr. Beth Johnson
Annual Crops for Grazing.....................................Greg Brann
Are Your Ewes Pregnant? .............................Jeremy Howard
Kencove Farm Fence Supplies
Acquires Forester Industries, LLC ..................................................Jacob White
AKGA Announces a Kiko First-
Online Pedigree Search .................................. American Kiko Assoc.
Genetically Speaking: How Did This Happen? ................................Dr. Debra Aaron
News to Ewes: Sustainable Agriculture II:
The Contribution of Forage..............................................Dr. Don Ely
Health & Management: The Latest on
Caprine Arthritis Encephalitis Virus .......................................Cheryl K Smith
Targeted Grazing with Small Ruminants..........Dr. Kenneth Andries
The agricultural, economic and environmental potential of co-locating utility scale solar with grazing sheep......................Nikola Kochendoerfer, Lexie Hain, and Mihcael L. Thonney
Laughing Goat Cheese..... Waikato
Kentucky Ag Vets Program Overview
Nigerian Dwarf Goats, What's all the Hubbab?............Patricia Stewart
Preventing heat stress in small ruminants.....Dr. Jerusha Lay
Instilling New Genetics in Small Ruminants: Tips for Success............................... Jessy Shanks
Purdue Researchers Need Your Help
Producer Resources............Christina Morris
The Kentucky Center for Agriculture and Rural Development- Guiding You Through Business Development...........Kati Bowman
KSU Cooperative Ext. Newsletter- Funding...................Joni Nelson
Tennessee Agricultural Enhancement Program Cost Share Dollars to Agricultural Producers
Kentucky Natural Fiber Center Goes Virtu-Wool.......... Sarabeth Parido
2020 CAIP Investment Area Guidelines: Small Animals
Bioworma: Worm-killing
fungus................................Susan Schoenian
Breaking the Parasite Cycle with BioWorma.............Kim Gooding
What Level of Performance Should You Expect From Your Meat Goats?............................Dr. Kenneth Andries
Winter Shelter......................Emily Clement
Alternative Parasite Control................................ Susan Schoenian
Weaving Art With Agriculture Across the State..................................... Sarabeth Parido
Hand Rearing Orphan Lambs and Kids....................................... Dr. Beth Johnson
Is Creep Feeding Lambs a Profitable Undertaking?.............................Dr. Don Ely
The Two Faces of Copper Nutrition in Sheep and Goats................................Dr. Robert Van Saun
Dairy & Meat Goat Online Certification Courses…..............…………………Dr. Terry Gipson & Dr. Roger Merkel
Seasonality Issues of Kentucky's Lamb and Goat Industry…........…Tess Caudill
News to Ewes: Lamb Galore...........................................Dr. Don Ely
Genetic Speaking: What do they all mean?…...….........................…Dr. Debra Aaron
Weaving Art with Agriculture…...………………..Sarabeth Parido
Consider Your Wool Pool................................…...…..……..Dr. Julie Stepanek Shiflett
Health & Management: Prevention and Treatment of Neonatal Diseases in Kids/Lambs.........................Dr. Beth Johnson
Winter Feeding tips from the American Institute
of Goat Research…..………….Dr. Steve Hart
Developing a Direct to Consumer
Market…....…Frances and David Martin
Disaster Preparations: Part 2……....………………….Dr. Joanna Davis
Genetic Selection at Your
Fingertips………………………National Sheep Improvement Program
Weaving Art with Agriculture…..........……..Sarabeth Parido
Today’s Wool is not your Grandma’s Old Sweater……..……..Dr. Julie Stepanek Shiflett
News to Ewes: Annual Ewe Management
Programs for Production of Milk-Fed
Slaughter Lambs….........…… Dr. Don Ely
Health & Management: What are the
causes of abortions?......................Dr. Beth Johnson
Market Matters.....................Tess Caudill
Dairy Goat Nutrition: Feeding For Two................Dr. Robert Van Saun
Tim Farmer’s Country Irish Lamb Stew..............................Tim Farmer
How to Read a Feed Label ............................UK Regulatory Services
Navigating to a Balanced Ration-
Part 1: Balancing for Energy........................................Dr. John Johns
Growing Together- 2016 KIO Tri State Summit
News to Ewes & Health & Management:
Tips to Reduce Losses Around the Time of Parturition................Dr. Don Ely & Dr. Beth Johnson
2017 Kentucky Annual Producer Conference
Developing a Direct to Consumer Market......................................Kelley Yates
Are You Prepared for the Next
Disaster in Your Area? ............................................Dr. Joanna Davis
Greetings and Salutations .......................................Dr. Terry Gipson
KY Lamb Jam 2017
Genetically Speaking:
Sell Em’ Light? Sell Em’ Heavy? .......................................Dr. Debra K. Aaron
News to Ewes:
Sell Em’ Light? Sell Em’ Heavy? ......................................................... Dr. Don Ely
Health & Management: Should I
Be Concerned About Contagious
Abscesses in My Small Ruminant Herd........................... Dr. Beth Johnson
Selecting a Replacement Ewe or Doe- Phenotype............................Ann Marie Leed
Ask the Expert: Selection of
Replacement Females................ Madeline Norman, Hannah Nilsson, .Mary Anne Holmes, Kathy Jones,.Kathy Meyer, Endre Fink, Tess Caudill, .Denise Martin, Jessica Johnson
New Best Practices Aim to Increase
Productivity for Lamb Producers......................American Lamb Board
Genetically Speaking:
Which is the Best Ram in the Sale?........................... Dr. Debra Aaron
News to Ewes: Can I Breed My
Ewe Lambs at a Year of Age?........................................... Dr. Don Ely
Spotlight: The Last Move.............Shon Wylie
Instincts Just Won’t Cut It .................................................... Dr. Shea Porr
Understanding the Process of Hand Spinning.................................. Kim Caulfield
Market Matters ....................... Tess Caudill
Tennessee Small Ruminant Conference.................................. Jerry Lamb
Using Summer Annuals in a Forage Program...................................Dr.Gary Bates
The TN Agricultural Enhancement Program.................................... Mark Powell
Genetically Speaking: Do You Know
the ABCs of Selection & Breeding?..............................Dr. Debra Aaron
News to Ewes: Early Weaning Lambs ............................................ Dr. Don Ely
Health & Management: Zoonotic
Diseases in Sheep and Goats .....................................Dr. Beth Johnson
The Value of Wool ................ Kim Caulfield
Direct Marketing for Goat Sheep
and Producers........................Rob Holland & Megan Burch
Small Ruminant Roller Coaster..................................... Tess Caudill
Is Online Marketing for You? ...........................................Kelley Yates
Genetically Speaking: Is the FAMACHA
System Accurate for All Breeds of Sheep ................................................ Dr. Debra Aaron
News to Ewes: Sustainable Agriculture I.
The Role of Grazing Sheep ..............................................Dr. Don Ely
Heath & Management: The Five
Point Check .......................Susan Schoenian