The Kentucky Sheep and Goat Check-Off Program began in 2010 and collects $.50 for every $100 worth of sheep and goats sold in the Commonwealth. According to Kentucky law, Check-Off funds must be used for the purpose of promoting the increased use and sale of sheep and goats.
Check-Off Funds are overseen by the Kentucky Sheep and Goat Council, which is a seven member board consisting of the following; 2 members appointed by Kentucky Farm Bureau, 2 members appointed by the Kentucky Goat Producers Association, 2 members appointed by the Kentucky Sheep and Wool Producers Association, and 1 member appointed by the Commissioner of Agriculture. Current Kentucky Sheep and Goat Check-off Board members are as follows:
Scott Barnes – Kentucky Farm Bureau
Ray Bowman – Kentucky Farm Bureau
Shawn Harper– KGPA
Kay DeMoss – KGPA
Bill Decker – KSWPA
Richard Popham- KSWPA
Jeff Rice– Commissioner of Ag. Representative
The Kentucky Sheep and Goat Council meets on a quarterly basis. Meetings are scheduled for the first Tuesday of January, April, July and October. All loan and special project requests are reviewed at these times.
Your Dollars at Work!
New Farmer Recruitment Loan
The New Farmer Recruitment Program is a competitive loan program offered by the Kentucky Sheep and Goat Council and is designed to help grow Kentucky’s sheep and goat industries. The loans are $2,000 short term (1 to 2 year) loans with 0% interest. Up to two loans (one goat and one sheep) are awarded each year to eligible individuals.
Eligible individuals are:
Graduates of the Small Ruminant Profit School educational program who are Kentucky residents at least 18 years of age and have been in sheep or goat production for less than 5 years.
Funds may be used to purchase sheep and/or goats for breeding purposes as well as livestock guardian animals.
2025 Applications will be available April 2025.
Food Sampling Grant
Overview: The Kentucky Sheep and Goat Council will use check-off dollars to fund four $100 reimbursement grants for lamb/goat sampling in 2025. Funds may be used for the purchase of lamb/goat meat, and sampling supplies like paper products, gloves, and sanitation supplies. This program is a reimbursement grant and will not be issued until all guidelines of the grant agreement are met.
Eligibility: Funds will be made available to individual producers and local/regional sheep/goat groups within the state of Kentucky.
Funds: Maximum request $100
Timeline: Applications are accepted at any time. Applications will be reviewed at the next quarterly Checkoff Board meeting (January, April, July, October). Granted funds must be used within 90 days of approval. All unused funds must be returned.
Grant Requirements:
Grantee agrees to follow all sampling guidelines and food handling requirements. Anyone offering a sample at a KDA registered farmers’ market must complete a sampling application and request a sample certificate from the Kentucky Department of Agriculture. Information for sampling can be found on the Kentucky Department of Agriculture website at www.kyagr.com, clicking Agriculture Forms, selecting Farmers’ Market under the Marketing tab, clicking on the Farmers’ Market Sampling Packet and the Kentucky Farmers’ Market Manual and Resource Guide.
Grantee must submit a report of the event within 30 days from completion, including receipts
Grantee will submit photos and/or video of the sampling event with the report.
Grantee must use the Kentucky Check-Off logo on all promotional materials such as flyers, websites, social media, etc.
Grantee may only apply for a second grant, 1) If the first event is completed and report has been reviewed by the Checkoff Board, and 2) if funds are still available.
Small Ruminant Boot Camp
Overview: The Kentucky Sheep and Goat Council will use check-off dollars to cost share three Small Ruminant Boot Camps in 2025. Funds are available to provide small ruminant education in the areas of nutrition, health, quality assurance, hoof care, and parasite management. Depending on location, this program may require additional funds from the applicant.
Eligibility: Funds will be made available to Cooperative Extension Areas within the state of Kentucky.
Timeline: Applications open February 1, 2025 and will close when three camps have been scheduled. Programs must be completed by December 30, 2025.
Grant Requirements:
Grantee must agree to assist the KY Sheep and Goat Checkoff Board in marketing the event and providing food.
Grantee must use the Kentucky Check-Off logo on all promotional materials such as flyers, websites, social media, etc.
The Kentucky Sheep and Goat Check-Off Board wants to help you provide hands-on education to small ruminant producers. The Small Ruminant Boot Camps can be half or whole day programs, but may require producers to watch mandatory videos before attending the in person program in order to receive certain certifications.
The Checkoff Board wants to encourage Cooperative Extension Agents for Agriculture & Natural Resources to team up and offer a Small Ruminant Boot Camp in an area. As an agent, you are asked to:
recruit participants, with a 20 household minimum; social media images and flyers will be provided
secure food for the program; a registration fee of $35 will be charged to participants to help recoup food and supply costs (Registration fees can be taken through the KSGDO website)
secure location for the program
secure local animals for demonstrations
provide assistance for setup and dissemination of the program
door prizes can be provided but are not mandatory
In exchange for Extension Agent participation, the Checkoff Board will provide:
recruitment materials
program supplies like microscopes, hoof trimmers, equipment, biosecurity supplies, etc.
setup and take-down
program evaluations and results
Try Something Different Tonight Lamb/Goat Incentive Program
Overview: The Kentucky Sheep and Goat Council will use check-off dollars to fund four incentive programs to Kentucky restaurants who purchase local lamb and goat. Two restaurants will be chosen to serve lamb in 2025.
The incentive is $500 to the restaurant who agrees to purchase and serve local lamb/goat in February and April. The funds will be given in two installments of $250 each. The first installment will be released when the signed contract is returned, and the second installment will be released after the restaurant reports how much lamb/goat was sold (either in poundage or in number of dishes) along with receipts. Funds can be used to purchase lamb/goat, and to advertise the product.
The restaurant agrees to use the KY Sheep and Goat Checkoff logo and/or mention in the ads, as well as the producer in which the product was purchased. The Kentucky Sheep and Goat Development Office (the administrator of the checkoff funds) agrees to promote the restaurant and dish through our social media and online outlets.
Eligibility: Funds will be made available to Kentucky restaurants purchasing local lamb/goat products.
Funds: Maximum request $500
Timeline: Applications are accepted at any time. Applications will be reviewed upon receipt. First installment of granted funds must be used within 90 days of receipt. All unused funds must be returned. Last installment of funds will be released upon receipt of the grant report.
Grant Requirements:
-Grantee must submit a report of the lamb/goat sold within 30 days from completion promotion (this can be the amount of pounds sold, number of customers reached, and/or number of lamb and/or goat dishes sold during the promotional period.
- Grantee will provide receipts of approved items purchased (approved items are lamb and/or goat meat, print advertisements, social media advertisements, or printed items like menu inserts)
-Grantee is encouraged to submit photos and/or video of the lamb or goat promotion, as well as a copy of promotional materials such as flyers, websites, social media, etc.